I am not going to lie: the emotions rolling around are mixed to say the least. For the first time in... I don't know... ever I have finally found some peace. Some sense of stability in a long period of instability. I know who my friends are, where my place is with my family, who loves me, and what is most important. I feel healed.
The kicker is, that is exactly what kicks me out the door. I know it's time, I know it's right, but man, that doesn't always make it easier. I mean lets me honest, this is super exciting, super perfect, super... unbelievable. But then again, that is what makes it what it is.
I have an apartment I have never been in, tuition for classes I can barely pronounce the name of, and a plane ticket baring a one way flight pattern. I am all set.
I guess chapters are funny like that; as soon as you hit the climax of the text, you turn the page, and you have to start over at a new beginning.