Wednesday, October 15, 2008

A few things you should know before voting

Okay I know people are probably getting tired of hearing about politics, but in the light of requests of not only media think tank gurus such as Hayden Panietter and Halle Berry, but Myspace elites requesting people make “informed” votes, I thought I would throw my two and a half cents/sense out there (I add the half cent since I actually did some research other than personal opinion and a quick listen to CNN regarding the opinion I am about to post). These are a few things I have come across in conversations that I thought deserved some not too surface consideration:

1. Ties to William Ayers. “Who is William Ayers?” you might ask. Good question. I am so glad you asked. William Ayers is a founding leader of an underground “organization” (I use the term rather loosely here as to not alienate readers by calling it the true term) named Weatherman. “What does this group do?” Ahh, another good question. This group is responsible for some seriously violent attacks against the United States, such as the bombing of the Pentagon and several others between the years of 1970 and 1974. “Why does this matter?” you may ask. I mean Obama was only 8 years old at the time the group was active, right? Well, here’s something to chew on: Ayers has as recently as 2007 stated that not only does he feel no remorse over what he has done but “wished he had been more active.” Okay, so that’s one guy right? Here’s the kicker: he not only has served on boards at “charity’s” with Obama, held the stage with him at educational events, but has also monetarily given to the campaign. If this isn’t cause for concern… YOU AREN’T PAYING ATTENTION.

2. Has campaigned for Raila Odinga in Kenya. Okay, so this one is what really gets to me. For those of you that are Bono fans, and love the idea of saving Africa, pay close attention. This just may make you think twice. Raila Odinga is a former PM of Kenya. He campaigned again in 2007, but lost. When he lost, his supporters decided this wasn’t acceptable and thought genocide would be a better answer. New Years day 2008, women, children and others were locked in an Assemblies of God church, and then burned to the ground. Those that tried to escape were machetied to death. Sound like nice reasonable people don’t they? The kind you want to leave your kids with.

Once again though, you may find yourself asking “What does this happen to do with Obama?” Good question. Mr. Obama has the distinct resume of having campaigned for Mr. Odinga. Not only did he spend six days with him vigorously campaigning, but he called him “Kenya’s instrument of change.” Sound familiar? If it doesn’t YOU AREN’T PAYING ATTENTION.

I know we all want change. I know we all want something different then what we have now, I agree, but that doesn’t mean the pendulum has to swing that far from the other side. Just because someone proclaims what sounds good, doesn’t mean it is. Look at history, even Stalin could win a smile from FDR and Truman, sounding “all together quite intelligent.”(That was a direct quote from Truman.) And I am not saying what I am saying just because I want people to vote for McCain. When it comes to politics, it really is the lesser of two evils. Just think. What kind of president do you really want?

What did your parents always say “Be careful who you run with, you will be judged by their character as well.” We have to start taking these things into consideration. We have someone running for the presidency that was actively campaigning for a man that would NOT denounce his ties to a militant Muslim group that slaughters people.

If this does not cause you to pause… YOU ARE NOT PAYING ATTENTION. You are just toting the line hoping this guy cashes in on his promises. That is one hell of a gamble. Are you sure you want to make it? Let's not jump from the frying pan into the fire.


Unknown said...

Sara, you may not remember me but I'm the photographer chick from Nelsons way back when... Anyway, i keep up with your blog (which i think is great by the way) and i must say i am really impressed with your post's concerning the presidential election. Thanks for putting the truth out there for all to read so that others can be informed since our bias media continue to sweep this all under the rug. Obama scares the heck out of me and i really hope that people WAKE UP and see Obama for the man he really is! Thanks for enlightening us all :)

USAFTA said...

Sara, stop being so apologetic for your political beliefs. If people are criticizing you or giving you grief for posting YOUR thoughts on YOUR blog they have a few options:

1) They can kiss your ass
2) They can stop reading
3) They can actually come up with an intelligent rebuttal to your well-thought-out arguments instead of just calling you a racist
4) All of the above

Unfortunately, we both know the reason people are telling you to stop with the political posts is mainly because they're Obama supporters but HAVE NO FREAKING CLUE why they're supporting him. Otherwise, they'd have NO problem defending their position.

Keep speaking your mind and keep speaking the truth!

lorrie said...

Sara, you are amazing! Why aren't you on the news? This guy has radical ties and correct me if I'm wrong but aren't we fighting radicals? You know the truth, you speak up for what is right and you love Jesus....a true American!

Elizabeth Lettic said...

so, i found the link and all I have to say is preach it sister. If I where queen, i would give you 10 extra votes for being votes for being informed...but then again - if i was queen we wouldn't have a presidency...oh well - you get the point..