The best way I have come up with is: sometimes it's a long journey home. Sometimes we have to leave where we are, to know staying was always the right decision. Sometimes veering off the path is purposed to remind us, we were always heading in the right direction and sometimes making the wrong decision is the only way to find what the right one is.
In my mind, there was this dramatic moment happening. I was awakening again to a sense of purpose. Picture it, the wind picks up and swirls my hair as I look into the horizon, determination written on my face. I'm grimy and sweating, but somehow it looks dignified, as it only can in the movies. I take a step forward, look over the edge of the cliff, the deep chasm that spreads between myself and the endless possibilities. The music starts melancholy and foreboding. Worry creases my face while I hesitate, but only for a moment. The wind continues to whip by me as I walk away from the edge, then turn and face it. The music swells and builds with the intensity of the moment. Suddenly I let out a battle cry and starting running full speed knowing I can reach that other side. I fling myself off at the last second, the orchestra in full crescendo. I disappear for a moment and immediately a hush falls. The seconds tick by as the picture stays quiet, only the sound of the wind still moving.
Then, as if a miracle, my hand shoots up! The music peaks at a gloriously victorious note, while continue to struggle and climb up on the other side. "I made it! I made it! I did it!" My smile is wider than the heavens as I break into a moment of pure joy. Then, out of no where, I hear the odd squawk of a bullhorn being used: "Uh, Sara?" What the... I hear a slightly apologetic, yet, embarrassed voice calling my name through the horn.
"Yeah, hey, Sara? You jumped the wrong divide. We're... uh, We're over here. On this side." I turn and look over my shoulder while still on the ground. I see three men standing on cliff with a different horizon. "Oh crrraaaap. Not again."
"Yep. Looks like it. You made the 'leap' again, it was just once again, in the wrong direction. Hey good news though! This time it will only cost you two weeks and around $1,000.00." says the gentlemen wielding the bullhorn. He turns to His companions, "You're definitely learning! Right guys?" A mumble chorus of "Oh yeah's!" and "For sure's!" follow. "Don't worry though, We'll get you right back on track. Okay people, that's a wrap for today! Scene Sara Angella 'Failed drama' will pick back up tomorrow. Good work today everyone, especially the guys on the wind! That was great effect. We'll try that again. Have a great night all!"
Somewhere in the spiritual realm, they are spinning the spools of film that show my most recent epic failure. I laugh as I imagine them saying something like, "She's got a flare for drama for sure. She got that from You HS. Maybe next time we should try and warn her. No, you're right, she still probably wouldn't listen. But sure is entertaining watching her get all wound up like that."
In my mind, everything is drama, in the real world, it's usually just the perfect risk, for the wrong thing. Taking a leap is never wrong, even if it ends badly, if only because, we learned that landing, isn't always so bad.
Nothing is EVER as it seems.
Thanks for the effort guys.
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