Tuesday, April 8, 2008


What was stolen being returned ten fold

Healing words, touches and actions breaking a cynical heart,

The knowledge that He has given me something no one can take away, purity that is a beautiful aroma to Him.

Words spoken into the secret places of my heart, that only He knows.
Through my grief, my anger,
my pride, my doubt, my blame, my adultery... You, You have blessed me. You made me a bride, and I left You. You gave me provision, and I stole still. You loved, and I rejected. Your goodness is unfathomable, Your faithfulness necessary for my life. I don't exist with You, my heart does not breath without Your breath. Your beauty frightens me with it's power, Your
love confuses a diseased mind. I need you more than breath,
more than life, more than even I can comprehend.
I want you like a jealous lover I wish I had more of You. I want to see and feel and know You the way a wife knows her Husband. The way she knows what he likes and doesn't like, the way He calls her name, the way He whispers only the things she can hear. I want to share moments with You that rival the greatest romance novel. You
have this imagination, and creativity when it comes to wooing, that blows my mind. I want more of it! I want more of You. I crave Your pillow talk. I need to hear Your words about life, hope, fear, and success.
For now I will say though, Your redemption has been sweet. Everything lost has been gained back. My future is secure in You. Show me Your path for me and I will walk it without fear. Beautiful You...
Don't You know? You have won my heart... and I know I have won Yours.


Unknown said...

Hey Sara! Just wanted to let you know that I am on Blogger too! I added you to my "link list" of friends. Hope that's ok. Talk to you later! ~Heather

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