Friday, March 28, 2008

Holy Crap

I don't get it. I don't get you.

I have known you less than two weeks and already I wear you like a comfortable pair of sweats. Warm, cozy and so completely perfect.

How have you already won my heart? I walk around with butterflies in my stomach, a smile on my face, and ridiculous giggles escaping as I think of the last thing you said to me. Who is this woman?! I don't even recognize myself.

Somewhere in the midst of me finding every wrong man, you walked in and swept me off my feet. Disorienting for sure, but amazing for sure. With you, there is no past, there is no future, only the present exists. I have never lived for the moment more. I have never been more happy with the exactly the way something is.

What do you even see in me? I think the crazy thing is, you see me, I mean really see me. Who was it that said the greatest thing is to know and be known? It's like in an instant you saw me. You really saw me.

I don't want to make too much out of this though. I hesitate to say too much, to reveal too much.

I don't want to jinx it, I don't want to make it into something it isn't.

I fear the falling, I fear the landing.

We are both standing at the precipice: I guess only time will tell if we jump.

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